Orleans Parish School Board to hold virtual meetings

Orleans parish school board to hold virtual meetings.

The Orleans Parish School Board will hold a series of virtual meetings this week. On Tuesday, board members will get together for a committee meeting. That meeting starts at 1 p.m. Then on Thursday, there will be a public hearing on charter applications at 2 p.m. The April board business meeting will follow at 3 p.m.

At the Committee of the Whole Meeting on Tuesday the staff will provide updates on facilities, construction projects and February financial reports. The board will also consider the approval of several district 2020-2021 calendars. 

Tuesday’s meeting will be broadcast live here,

Thursday’s public hearing on charter applications will feature representatives from Community Academies of New Orleans and Generation Success talking about their organizations. A live broadcast of that meeting will also be available here.

Then, at the 3 p.m. board business meeting, superintendent Dr. Henderson Lewis and the OPSB will recognize Booker T. Washington for their achievement as 2020 state champions in the LSHAA 3A girls basketball. A live broadcast will be available here

OPSB will utilize the online platform Zoom to broadcast the board meeting. 

To participate online: To comment online, please submit a public comment card here prior to the start of the meeting or within 30 minutes after the meeting begins.  Step-by-step instructions to access the Zoom live-stream can be found here.

For more information, visit us at www.nolapublicschools.com.