Peyton Manning Foundation & Ballard foods feed frontline workers

NEW ORLEANS, La. – Sunday, the Peyton Manning Foundation partnered with Ballard Brands-owned WOW American Eats to deliver nearly 2,000 meals to all Ochsner campuses.

Both organizations came together with the idea to show their appreciation and support for Louisiana’s frontline staff in healthcare facilities during the COVID-19 outbreak.

“I thought it was wonderful to see. Obviously the Mannings are a staple of our community, royalty per se, and for him to reach out and say I know I’m in Denver I know I’m in quarantine but I want to give back and I want to make sure they know that I’m thinking of my hometown. It’s just wonderful, and WOW, PJ’s and Ballard Brands are so happy that he reached out to us and made us a part of it,” said Owner/Partner of WOW and PJ’s Coffee Scott Ballard.