Photo of Texas teen shading woman with umbrella draws praise online

HOUSTON — A Texas teen is going viral for a simple act of kindness.

According to KTRK, Louis Jordan was picking his mom up from work in Houston when he saw a stranger sitting in the heat. He had an umbrella in his car, so he grabbed it and took it over to block the sun.

“It was unbearably hot,” Jordan said. “I wouldn’t want to be out there in the sun.”

“Come to find out, it was going to be a little longer for METRO Lift to come and get her,” he said. “So we ended up waiting out there for an hour and 45 minutes.”

Jordan and the woman, named Michelle, became friends and now if he sees her waiting, he grabs the umbrella and spends some time with her.

“We laugh, joke,” he said. “She’s in a book club. Come to find out she likes pork chops.”

Jordan’s mom, Bernette Botts, took the photo, which has been shared many times online. She told KTRK that she has seen her son’s selfless acts before. He even rescued his grandmother who was trapped during Hurricane Harvey.

“She was trapped inside, four feet of water, no power,” Botts said. “He called me back from my mom’s and said, ‘I got her.'”
