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SOUTH EUCLID, Ohio (WJW) — Police want to know who stole from the Nativity scene decorating a Liberty Road man’s home, replacing the baby Jesus with a symbol of death.

The theft was reported to city police on Friday, Dec. 2. The 39-year-old resident said thieves stole four Nativity figurines, each valued at $60, from the front of his home. In their place, the thieves left a Halloween decoration — a tombstone that reads “R.I.P.” and features a grim reaper.

The man told police he suspected the theft happened the prior Thursday, Dec. 1. But that day, the security cameras on the front of his home were not working. The home’s rear camera didn’t capture anything.

Neighbors living across the street told police they would check their security cameras for a glimpse of thieves and report back to police.