NEW ORLEANS – Judge-Elect Charlene Larche-Mason released the following statement, after announcing that she was officially running unopposed for New Orleans Municipal and Traffic Court Judge.
“I am so excited to take the bench in 2021 as the first woman to be elected to the Municipal and Traffic Court. I am thrilled to have this opportunity to make a positive impact on our New Orleans community.
I will help the court reach its potential in the virtual arena, and make it more accessible to the residents of our city. I will expand programs I was instrumental in founding, like Crossroads (diversion for sex workers and victims of human trafficking), Community Alternatives Program (CAP Mental Health Diversion), L.E.A.D. (Law Enforcement Alternative Diversion), R.E.E.D. (Re-entry Dockets for formerly incarcerated defendants), Warrant Clinic Relief Drives, Mission Court, Homeless Court, and even Night Court, so that citizens don’t have to take off from work to pay traffic fines. I look forward to doing all this and more for the residents of New Orleans, as your next Municipal and Traffic Court Judge.
Thank you to everyone who supported me in this race, especially my loving family. I could not have done this without the support of friends, my team, and especially my husband, Ronald, and my son, Carter. You all have been so supportive throughout this campaign, albeit however short it was!
I look forward to these next few months when I can focus my energies on ensuring I am ready to hit the ground running on Day One. “