NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – The state of Louisiana must continue to provide Medicaid payments to Planned Parenthood clinics, at least for now. A federal judge in Baton Rouge ordered the state to pay Planned Parenthood for 14 days while a legal battle continues.
US district judge John deGravelles heard arguments on Friday. Without his ruling, funding was expected to end on Monday.
Governor Bobby Jindal recently ordered to block funding. Jindal, who is running for the Republican presidential nomination, began defunding efforts after controversial undercover videos were released by an anti-abortion group, Center for Medical Progress.
The video shows Planned Parenthood officials discussing fetal tissue sales and the donation process. Planned Parenthood says the videos are heavily edited and misleading.
In Texas, Planned Parenthood affiliates were told in a letter on Monday that their enrollment in the joint state-federal Medicaid program was in the process of being terminated.