Report: Trump considers Bobby Jindal for Cabinet position


WASHINGTON, D.C. (WGNO) – Former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is being considered for secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in the Donald Trump administration, according to Gambit.

Gambit is citing an article from The Wall Street Journal, which requires a subscription to access the text online.

According to Gambit, The Wall Street Journal had this to say about the former governor:

The team has also been assembling a list of people to fill key jobs in a Trump administration. Some have been close to home. Among those discussed for attorney general are New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a top campaign adviser who heads the Trump transition team, and Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, according to two campaign aides. Mr. Trump’s slim campaign team, which has included former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, may form the core of a Trump administration. Names discussed for Health and Human Services secretary include Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Ben Carson, one of Mr. Trump’s former primary rivals, one member of the transition team said.

Jindal, who left the governor’s office in January, served as the head of Louisiana’s Department of Health and Hospitals under former Gov. Mike Foster. Jindal was 24 years old when he led the state agency. Jindal also served as a chief adviser to the U.S. Health and Human Services secretary under former President George W. Bush.

Jindal was an outspoken opponent of Obamacare and fought Medicaid expansion in Louisiana while he served as governor. He had a 30 percent approval rating at the end of his term.