Poll: Majority hold President Trump responsible for storming of Capitol

President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a rally Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

(NEXSTAR) – Nearly three-quarters of American voters believe democracy is under threat following the storming of the Capitol, according to poll results released Monday.

“When it comes to whether American democracy is under threat, both Republicans and Democrats see a raging five-alarm fire, but clearly disagree on who started it,” said Tim Malloy, a polling analyst for Quinnipiac University, which conducted the poll.

Among the respondents, a majority — 56 percent — hold President Donald Trump responsible for Wednesday’s violence, while 45 to 52 percent said Trump should be removed from office.

53 percent of respondents said the president should resign.

A similar poll released by Ipsos Sunday found that two-thirds of the American public believe Donald Trump deserves “a good amount” of the blame for the riots in the nation’s capitol. Fifty-two percent say he deserves “a great deal” of the blame.

That poll found that nearly all Democrats (94 percent) and a majority of Independents (58 percent) believe Trump should be removed from office. Only 13 percent of Republicans agreed.

Trump’s approval rating hardly fared better. As of Monday, per the Quinnipiac poll, Trump had a 33 percent job approval rating — a “substantial drop” from the 44 percent approve to 51 percent disapprove rating he received in December.

As for Trump’s mental state, 48 percent of respondents believe the president is not mentally stable, while 45 percent believe he is.

Looking ahead to the Joe Biden presidency, only 31 percent of respondents say they think he will be able to unite the country, and 56 percent say they expect partisan divisions to remain unchanged from today.

The Quinnipiac University Poll surveyed 1,239 self-identified registered voters from Jan. 7 to Jan. 10, with a margin of error of +/- 2.8 percentage points.