Some Louisiana universities relaxing admission requirements

RUSTON, LA. (KTVE/KARD) — Trée George with Louisiana Tech admissions says because college entrance testing came to a halt due to COVID-19, universities across Louisiana are being flexible with students admission requirements in a way they wouldn’t have in the past.

“We understand that students are in an odd situation with completing their senior year it could impact their grades,” George said. “We also understand that SAT and ACT cancelled and their spring exams, so that puts students in a difficult situation.”

George says that’s why colleges have decided to make exceptions for students on a case by case basis.

“Where a student may not have the GPA we were looking for or may not have the SAT or ACT score that we were looking for,” George said.

George says they are also offering virtual tours for potential students while the stay at home order is in place.

“In a perfect world, if the governor opens the state up and we are allowed to gather again, we have a track where we are planning to have orientations starting in July,” George said. “We had originally scheduled a couple in June, but we are in the process of moving those to July.”

George says Louisiana Tech, along with other universities have also planned for the stay at home order to go through the summer.

“If necessary, we will do orientation virtually meet the needs of the students through orientation and we will just do it through an online platform,” George said.

George says if families are unconfortable about visiting the campus, even after the order is lifted, universities will continue to offer online tours and orientations.