Throw me something sistah! New Orleans nuns make Mardi Gras history

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – There’s a new page in the Mardi Gras history books.

It happened during Sunday’s Mystic Krewe of Femme Fatale Parade.

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood says history happened because a group of New Orleans nuns are forming a new habit.

Sisters of the Holy Family are the first order of nuns to ride in a Mardi Gras parade.  Twenty-one of the nuns rode in Sunday’s parade.

And all of them thought the ride was simply, fantastic.

And it was also a little surprising.

Along the parade route, people waiting for the nuns to throw them Mardi Gras beads were shouting, “thank you sisters!”

Now that’s Mardi Gras gratitude at its best.