TRAFFIC ALERT: Drivers can expect traffic delays traveling in Gentilly Terrance and Uptown areas

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — As the Department of Public Works begins another roadway project in New Orleans, residents can expect lane closures and delays to their normal routes this Summer.

Currently the department has already started work in the Gentilly Terrance area in the 4900 block of Painters Street which extends into the Mirabeau Avenue intersection. This closure will be extended to Friday, June 16 at 5 p.m.

The extension results in finishing up drainage installation. Drivers are advised to use caution during this time as there will be large trucks and heavy equipment hauling materials in the area.

View map of Gentilly Terrance lane closure:

4900 Block of Painters Street temporary road and intersection closure extension

The second lane and parking lane closure will in the northbound side of S. Carrollton Avenue between Fig Street and Earhart Boulevard. It will begin at 7 a.m. on Monday, May 1 as workers prepare drainage installation work associated with the Marlyville-Fontainebleau Group C project.

The $15 million Marlyville-Fontainebleau Group C project will consist of repairing sewage, water, and drainage line, rebuilding the street entirely, and repairing sidewalks and curbs varying block by block.

Signage and traffic control measures such as barrels and fencing will be onsite to direct drivers and pedestrians. The closure is expected to last through 5 p.m. on Friday, July 28.

View Marlyville-Fontainebleau Group C project closure:

3000 S. Carrollton Avenue from Fig Street to Earhart Boulevard temporary lane closure

To date 51 roadwork projects by the Department of Public Works are under construction with an estimated value of nearly $583 million and 158 projects have been successfully completed.

To sign up for construction updates text ROADWORK to 77295 or go to ready.nola.gov/alerts to create a profile and select the “roadwork” alert list. 

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