TV anchor shares heartbreaking story of his dog who passed away after ‘bucket list’ weekend

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Chad Tucker, a local TV anchor and reporter at WGHP, recently shared the story of Otis, his dog who passed away after a weekend filled with “bucket list” activities.

Otis, a Bichon Frise and Jack Russell mix, was rescued by Chad 10 years ago.

“As the sun started setting Sunday, my wife Meredith and I held our sweet, gentle Otis as he slipped away to our creator. We loved on him like he loved on us. We wanted him to pass knowing just how loved he was and we thanked him for the joy he gave us and so many others,” Chad wrote.

Chad made the announcement on his Facebook page earlier this week.

Less than a week before Otis passed away, Chad and his family found out, all at once, he was suffering from diabetes, Cushing’s disease, pancreatitis, and rapidly progressive kidney disease.

“Looking back he had some of the warning signs but we thought changes in his behavior were related to issues he had with bladder stones, a change in diet and age. After a week in the animal hospital, and with no signs of improvement, we brought him home Friday morning for a weekend packed full of loving on him and doing all the things he loved,” Chad wrote.

Chad’s Facebook post has been shared over 13,000 times and has over 5,000 comments.

“Otis was my constant. When I would come home depressed, heartbroken and feeling like a failure there was Otis. He listened to all my troubles and loved me when I didn’t love myself,” Chad wrote.

Chad wrote about his dog’s special weekend:

“Otis’ bucket list weekend” included the morning air atop Pilot Mountain, taking a long afternoon nap under a black walnut tree in Stokes County and enjoying long car rides through the foothills. Otis loved car rides and always wanted to sit in our lap while we were driving.

I never let him because I thought it was too dangerous… but on this weekend we had no rules. We had our family Christmas card photographs taken and played in the sprinkler till sunset.

Despite being sick Otis wouldn’t let Carson Parry play in the water alone. Weak, he stood up, walked over and stood by her side like he’s always done. Just before the lightning bugs started, Carson Parry asked Otis to hop in her little car for a ride, which he did as he always has. Knowing he was sick she told him “we won’t go far.”

We stopped for ice cream, visited his favorite bank teller and one night just sat up holding him till 3am. He loved being loved on. We spent our Sunday morning doing some back porch sitting before loading the family in the car for an afternoon along the Blue Ridge Parkway.

We had a picnic in Blowing Rock, threw stones in the creek, rested in the shade and took in the views. The Carolina sky seemed a lot bluer this day. As the weekend started to wind down and we began our trek home, Otis was getting weaker and we knew the time had come.

We dropped Carson Parry off at a friend’s home where she told her loyal friend, in her soft toddler voice, “good-bye Otis … see you in heaven.” My youngest daughter, 2-month-old Pearl Monroe, stayed with us sleeping through it all.”

You can read Chad’s full Facebook post below: