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NEW ORLEANS— March is a very important month in preventable healthcare.  In fact, it’s so important that News With a Twist host LBJ brought us along a very important screening, his colonoscopy.

Dr. Abdul Khan of Metropolitan Gastroenterology Associates says, “Colonoscopy is one of those test that not only detects cancer early but if you find polyps and you remove it, you can prevent colon cancer.”

This is LBJ’s 3rd colonoscopy in the past 10 years, all performed by Dr. Khan.  This time it happened during March, which is Colon Cancer Awareness Month and there’s good reason to raise awareness about the risks of not getting the procedure done.

“Colon cancer is the second leading cause of death for both men and women,” said Khan.

You could be saying to yourself ‘I feel fine, why do I need this?’

Khan also said, “Colon cancer, the majority of the time, in it’s early stages doesn’t have any symptoms so screening means you get the test even though you’re not having any symptoms”