Two firefighters accused of making pornographic videos at Ohio fire station

AKRON, Ohio – The City of Akron says two fire lieutenants have been placed on leave amid allegations that they made pornographic videos together at a fire station in the city.

The videos were allegedly posted on porn websites, according to WJW.

The suspended firefighters have been identified as Lt. Art Dean and Provisional Lt. Deann Eller.

The following is a joint statement from Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan and Akron Fire Chief Clarence Tucker:

“Allegations involving two City of Akron firefighters recently came to the attention of the City. The allegations relate to the creation of pornographic content displayed online – some of which is alleged to have taken place on City property. The City is actively conducting an investigation into the allegations, and we will take prompt and appropriate action based on the results of that investigation. The two employees were immediately placed on administrative leave pursuant to their union agreement, pending the investigation. The employees involved are not assigned to work at the same fire station and were known to be in a long-term relationship.

As leaders of this City and this Department, we find these allegations shocking and distressing to say the least. The Akron Fire Department is composed of hundreds of committed first responders who comport themselves with dignity, professionalism, and the highest levels of integrity and dedication in their service to the Akron public. These courageous public servants put their lives on the line each and every day to protect the health, safety, and property of Akron citizens and serve as role models of duty and service across our community. These allegations bring unwelcome dishonor and embarrassment to Akron Fire Department and the City of Akron and unfairly discredit the reputation of other Akron Fire officers.

As Mayor and Fire Chief, we take our responsibility to uphold the public trust extremely seriously, and will never condone or tolerate any behavior that violates that trust. These allegations in no way reflect on the values of the Akron Fire Department or the City, and we are devastated that these allegations would distract from the meaningful and important work being done to keep our citizens safe and keep our neighborhoods strong.

Additional information will be provided to the Akron public when the investigation has concluded and appropriate action is taken. We thank you for your patience as we conclude the investigation and provide due process for these employees.”
