Utah teacher accused of relationship with 14-year-old, sneaking her into his classroom in storage bin

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RIVERTON, Utah (KTVX) — A Utah teacher is accused of having an emotional relationship with a 14-year-old student and sneaking the girl into his classroom in a storage bin.

Lucas Sloan Talley faces two counts of kidnapping and possibly more charges.

Over Thanksgiving weekend, police received a report of a middle school teacher in Riverton, Utah, having inappropriate conversations and relations with multiple 14-year-old students.

According to court documents, Talley has been a teacher at South Hills Middle School for the last 12 years, during which time he had personal contact via text message and email with multiple girls.

In April of the 2019-2020 school year, Talley began having an emotional relationship with a 14-year-old student and began talking to her about his marriage as well as his anxiety and depression, documents state.

Talley reportedly took treats to the girl’s home and spent hours in the residence with her.

Talley is accused of planning two separate meetings with the girl in which he met her at the school when it was closed due to a COVID-19 outbreak. At the time, no students were allowed inside.

Court documents state that when the girl arrived at the school, Talley told her to get into a large black and yellow storage bin. He then placed the bin with the girl inside on a dolly and wheeled it into his classroom, the documents say.

Detectives say Talley put the girl in the bin because she was not supposed to be at the school. Documents state he brought her into his classroom in a bin on two separate occasions.

Police said Talley admitted to making the plan without the girl’s knowledge.

Detectives said they found the girl had been inappropriately physically touched multiple times by Talley. Documents state she was scared something sexual was about to happen and felt uncomfortable.

Multiple emails, text messages and video messages have been obtained that show Talley telling the girl he loves her and misses her, documents state.

During the investigation and interview, police said Talley told of multiple students he has taught with whom he has attempted contact.

Talley is currently being held at the Salt Lake County Jail without bail as the Salt Lake County district attorney screens the case for more possible charges.