Video shows inmates smashing window to escape correctional facility

ELYRIA, Ohio — Surveillance video released on Wednesday shows three inmates breaking out of an Ohio prison after shattering a window.

On Friday night, Joshua Natal-Morales, 26, Reynaldo Rivera Franco, 26, and Michael David Kligore, 23, used a table in a classroom to smash out a window of the minimum security Lorain/Medina Community Based Correctional Facility, authorities said.

“We’re basically (housing) felony-level offenders … this is kind of a last-ditch opportunity, one more bite at the apple to get things right,” said Don Nickerson, operations director.

Police quickly set up a perimeter and captured the men in Elyria.

The correctional facility is launching an investigation into the escape and it could be forced to increase security measures.

“Basically we’re looking at the causes leading up to it, we’re also looking at physical plant wise if there’s something that we need to do differently, certainly with the windows, we’ll take a look at that, but more than that, it’s just the motivation by trying to create a situation where this won’t happen again,” Nickerson said.

The three inmates face charges for escape and vandalism.
