Denver police giving out gift cards to auto store, instead of tickets, to drivers with broken taillights

DENVER (KDVR) – Denver police are trying to promote motorist safety around the Mile High City, and they believe a new program will do just that.

The police department will now be handing out $25 gift cards — in certain situations — where someone is pulled over for a broken headlight or taillight, instead of writing up a ticket.

This is thanks to a partnership with Advance Auto Parts, which supplied the department with these gift cards.

“Working together is how we create stronger communities, and stronger communities are safer communities,” Denver Police Chief Paul Pazen said during the announcement.

It’s unclear how long the program will last, but the Advance Auto Parts gift cards are limited. As noted in a tweet from the department, officers were provided with a total of 100 gift cards to dole out to recipients with “minor vehicle safety issues.”