Donald Trump Jr. says he “fixed” the Nike Kaepernick ad

“Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.”

Nike is receiving praise and criticism for their latest ad campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick.

President Trump thinks the ads were in poor taste, tweeting, “Nike is getting absolutely killed with anger and boycotts. I wonder if they had any idea that it would be this way?”

Donald Trump Jr. is expressing his feelings towards the ad creatively. With the help of a little photoshop.

Posting to Instagram that he “fixed” the controversial Kaepernick ad.

He’s replaced the former football player’s face with his Father’s.

The caption says, “There… fixed it for you. #MAGA.”

Over 135,000 people have liked the photo on Instagram.

He also took a swipe at Senator Bernie Sanders (Who ran against his father in the 2016 presidential election.)

Who’s version do you like better? Nike or Don Jr.? Tweet me.


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