EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) — El Paso mom Jenny Solo dressed up her two children in a costume representing the struggles of online schooling.
Solo created a “Zoombie” costume, which is a play on words describing how her children feel after being on Zoom the whole day.
“I’ve been trying to keep my kids off devices for as long as they’ve been alive and now they’re on them for eight hours a day, and they do turn into ‘Zoombies,’” said Solo.
She even decided to create a matching costume for herself.
“I feel like a zombie every morning along with my ‘Zoombies,’ so I might as well be a ‘Mombie,” joked Solo.

She said her family has always been a big fan of Halloween and they make sure they celebrate it properly every year.
This year she said she knew it would be different, but she still wants to make her children feel like they can have fun, even in the pandemic.
“[The kids] just want to have fun and the only thing we can do is give them that experience as safely as we can,” said Solo, adding that her husband made a candy-dispensing device that will make trick-or-treating safe.
She described the device as a long hollow pole that tilts up and down, allowing the candy to go in on one side and come out the other. She said this will help maintain social distancing and is still a fun way for children to participate.
“I really do enjoy Halloween, and I believe it brings the best spirits out of us,” said Solo, who hopes to see her neighbors come up to her driveway to celebrate the spookiest night of the year — together but safely.