Meet Kamala, the dog with no nose rescued after inauguration

EAST ST. LOUIS (KTVI) — After wandering the streets of East St. Louis, an abandoned dog with no nose is on a mission to find a forever home.

Kamala is a pitbull mix with a big personality. “She is such a happy dog,” said Brittany Fleming, Adoption & Foster Manager at Gateway Pet Guardians.

“We went out and looked for her and could never find her,” said Fleming.

Gateway Pet Guardians had been trying to safely capture Kamala – named after Kamala Harris, the United State’s first female vice president – for nearly a year.

But the search ended just hours after President Biden’s inauguration when staff members at Gateway Pet Guardians were able to set up a humane trap inside an abandoned house after being notified that a momma dog was seen nursing her puppies inside.

“When we went out and inspected the abandoned house, there was only one puppy, but she was out there,” said Fleming. “She would not come close to being caught, so we had to set up a humane trap. It took a couple of hours, but she finally went in.”

Kamala, thought to be around 3 years old, doesn’t let her lack of a nose stop her.

“If anything maybe she will smell the world better,” Fleming said. “She loves to give you hand kisses, likes to lay on the couch with you, and even knows how to sit.”

Fleming said Gateway Pet Guardians is currently looking for a foster home for Kamala.

“Kamala is in great shape and will do well around kids and other dogs,” she said. “And hopefully from there, she’ll finally have a forever home”.

Those interested in fostering a pet for Gateway Pet Guardians can visit their website.