Here’s a pup-date to turn your Monday frown upside down!
So ugly, she’s cute! Zsa Zsa the English bulldog has officially been crowned the World’s Ugliest Dog.
Zsa Zsa’s fur Mom is Megan Brainard of Minnesota. Megan will receive $1,500 for Zsa Zsa’s win.
She says she found Zsa Zsa on a pet-finding site, the pup is 9 years old. 🐶
Speaking of dogs… this dog fakes being sick to get his owners to stay home from work and the internet is obsessed with him.
Meet Sully. Sully’s owners Kennady and Alex heard Sully was making a strange coughing sound.
However, they noticed that Sully primarily made the sound when it was time for them to go to work in the morning.
After an $85 vet visit, they realized that their pup just wanted some attention.
According to the author of Natural Health for Dogs & Cats — Dr. Pitcairn — faking sickness is a learned behavior that makes sense — and this is a fairly common scenario, according to the animal communication blog Wild Insights.
Of course, always go to the vet to rule out any actual illnesses. But know that dogs — like Sully — sometimes pretend to be under the weather for extra kisses and cuddles. Dogs… just like us. 🐶