Shelter dog parties overnight after escaping kennel

BEDFORD COUNTY, Pa. (WTAJ) — “Who let the dogs out?” took on new meaning for a Pennsylvania shelter dog that was able to get free from his kennel overnight.

Bedford County Humane Society employee Joyce Ross couldn’t believe what she walked in and found the next morning.

Long-time shelter dog Gilligan had found his way out of his kennel after it was left unlocked and spent the night playing with all the squeaker toys he could find.

“So I lock the door, and I came through, and I see Gilligan running around all excited, playing, jumping around. I’m like. ‘Gill, how’d you get out?'” said Ross, who wasn’t at the shelter the day before.

From what Ross gathered, Gilligan had the time of his life playing with all the squeaking toys. Staff said he placed all the non-squeaking toys aside. His mess made its way through several hallways of the shelter.

“He went through each toy one by one to pull out each squeaker,” Ross said. “And the ones that didn’t have a squeaker, he pulled out and left alone. He skipped all the ones that didn’t have squeakers. He only wanted the squeakers.”

Ross posted Gilligan’s overnight fiesta to TikTok, where it racked up over 2.3 million views. Since the video went viral, the shelter has received many more donations. Gilligan is also getting special treats, including a lifetime offer from one person.

“When I went to look, we were so amazed that Gilligan had … gone viral,” said Janet Gates, the Bedford County Humane Society manager. “I mean, he was everywhere. We had a lady call and said she would like to buy Gilligan a toy every month for the rest of his life.”

Gilligan is considered the unofficial mascot for the shelter. He usually sits beside the front desk, keeps an eye on other shelter dogs, and, most importantly, watches out for the employees. He’s been at the shelter since he was a puppy, so he’s accustomed to the staff.

“This is all he’s ever known. What a great way to show off our shelter and show people what fabulous dogs are waiting at the shelter,” Gates said. “Although, I don’t think we’re going to part with Gilligan.”

Even though he made a big mess with the toys, Gates said Gilligan didn’t do any other damage. He was only into the squeaking toys. Next time, the staff will make sure that Gilligan’s kennel is properly locked so it doesn’t happen again, though.

Nevertheless, the staff said Gilligan deserved every bit of his night of fun.

“By his look, I saw he was excited and had a great night all night. He was proud, very proud,” Ross said.