NEW ORLEANS — With Father’s Day this weekend, Twitter is amping up their hashtag game! #TipsForAGreatDadBod is trending and here are some of our favorite recommendations…
Start with a good base: Crocs #TipsForAGreatDadBod
— Chris O'Brien (@bigdweeb) June 13, 2018
Never say no to donuts. Which, coincidentally, is also how I got my bod. #TipsForAGreatDadBod
— Theresa (@tlcprincess) June 13, 2018
Replace your protein shake with a milk shake #TipsForAGreatDadBod
— BRANDON🥃 (@BrandonBurner66) June 13, 2018
Wearing long black socks with your sandals will make you calves look more slender.— that one guy (@BellDavidC) June 13, 2018
What are your favorite DAD BOD tips? Tweet me! @KinseySchofield