CHALMETTE, LA — On July 26, 2011, Saint Bernard Parish deputies found the body of a man inside of a home on Chalmette Avenue. More than 8 years later, the case remains unsolved.
The case was tricky from the start. Initially, deputies said that they believed the death may have been due to an overdose. But nine months after the homicide occurred, the sheriff’s office announced the autopsy results. The victim actually died of blunt trauma which caused an artery to the brain to rupture. In other words, the man was beaten to death.
The SBPSO identified the victim as Michael Thore. Eight years after Thore’s death, CrimeStoppers is making a renewed effort to find his killer. The group hopes a $2,500 reward will convince someone to come forward with information that leads to an arrest and indictment.
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If you can help solve this latest Wheel of Justice caper, call CrimeStoppers at 504-822-1111. Remember, you don’t have to reveal your name or testify in court, and you could qualify to earn a cash reward.
So far, more than 400 people have landed behind bars after their cases rolled on the Wheel of Justice.