Burglars target popular restaurant Toast

NEW ORLEANS — The New Orleans Police Department wants to find whoever is responsible for burglarizing the Toast restaurant in Gentilly.  The case is the latest one to roll on the Wheel of Justice.

According to police, the burglary happened at about 1:45 in the morning at the Toast location at 1845 Gentilly Boulevard.  The business’ security cameras recorded much of what happened.

Plywood patches the portion of door at Toast in Gentilly where burglars smashed the glass.

The footage shows a car pull up and park in front of the building.  Police say one of the burglars smashed the glass in the front door of the business and went inside.  They say the burglar was able to steal $300 from the business’ cash drawer that was in a refrigerator.  Additional security camera footage shows the burglar making his way through the inside of the business.  Moments later, he is seen running to the car which quickly drives away from the scene.

Police describe the car as a dark, four-door Acura.  To see the latest Wheel of Justice report, including the security camera footage, click on the video button at the top of this page.

If you can help solve the case, call CrimeStoppers.  Remember, you don’t have to reveal your name or testify in court, and you could be eligible to earn a cash reward.

So far, 400 suspects have been booked after their cases rolled on the Wheel of Justice.