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MANDEVILLE, La. (WGNO) — Mandeville police say they’re trying to find an armed robber who targeted women at the same bank, only two nights apart. St. Tammany Parish deputies believe the same man is responsible for an armed robbery on one of those same nights, but in the Covington area.

The cases are the latest one to roll on the Wheel of Justice.

According to Mandeville police, the first case happened on the night of Wednesday, June 26, at the Capital One bank in the 3800 block of Highway 22. They say a woman was withdrawing money from one of the drive-up ATMs when a robber with a gun and mask approached and grabbed the $300 the woman had just withdrawn as well as her cell phone. Police say he jumped into the passenger side of an SUV and made his escape.

Two days later, on June 28, around 9:20 that night, police say a woman was trying to withdraw money from an ATM at the same bank when she was also confronted by a masked gunman who forced her to withdraw $1,000. After that robbery, the man left in a dark colored four-door car.

About 45 minutes after the second Mandeville robbery, the St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Office reports an armed robber approached a man at an ATM in the Covington area and stole money that he was preparing to deposit. Deputies say they believe it was the same robber who targeted the women during the Mandeville cases.

To see the latest Wheel of Justice report, including security camera images of the suspect and cars in the Mandeville robberies, watch the video at the top of this story.

If you have information that could help identify or locate the robber, call Crimestoppers at 504-822-1111. You don’t have to reveal your name or testify in court, and you could be eligible to earn a cash reward.

So far, more than 470 people have been booked after their cases rolled on the Wheel of Justice.

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