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METAIRIE, La. (WGNO) — WGNO aired the first Wheel of Justice report in April of 2008. Since then, we’ve shown you the suspects and added up as many of the arrests as possible. Now that number stands at 470!

The latest cases involve a pair of burglaries involving businesses that are located next door to each other, a pair of random shootings when homes were targeted, a shooting on Bourbon Street, and a brawl in the Lower Ninth Ward.

To learn more about the latest success cases, watch the video at the top of this story.

For the record, we’re not claiming that our reports are responsible for all 470 arrests. Instead, it’s more about dedicated police work and tips from the public. Still, we’ll continue to do our part and show you the unsolved cases, and you do yours by phoning in your tips.

So far, more than 470 people have been booked after their cases rolled on the Wheel of Justice.

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