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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — Every Friday evening this summer, record shop Peaches Records will be hosting happy hour parties with free beer and cocktails to bring the neighborhood together.

“The city is one of the most beautiful and magical cities and I’m deeply in love with it,” Owner of Peaches Records Shirani Rea, also known as “Mama Peaches,” said.

Rea wants to share the love with the city she loves.

“We’ll have beer and cocktails, totally free. It’s the cheapest date you’re going to get,” she said.

She said she wants to do this especially because last summer was very difficult with no one going out because of the heat.

“We didn’t do well as a business in this community last summer, so instead of playing my little violin, I decided to do something proactive to help the community out,” she said.

And now with inflation taking its toll, less folks are going out to spend money on drinks.

“They’re drinking at home and not going out to the bars either,” she said.

When people don’t go out as much there isn’t that same sense of neighborly love that Rea remembers about New Orleans.

“It is for our mental health to get out and meet people,” Rea said.

Peaches Records even has the feel of a real bar with their historic countertop.

“In the 1960s, this was the very first civil rights countertop,” Rea said.

Ultimately, through these happy hours, she wants to unite her city.

“Neighbors taking care of neighbors,” she said.

The Peaches Records happy hours will take place from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. every Friday during the summer. They will have live music and album release signings as well as the free beer and cocktails.

On Friday, July 12, Ryan Batiste (Russell Batiste’s brother and Jon Batiste’s cousin) will perform at the happy hour. Ryan’s stage name is “Shaggadelic.”

Peaches Records is located at 4318 Magazine St.

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