Andy Dalton is Jameis Winston’s second pair of eyes and ears

METAIRIE, La. (WVLA) — New Orleans Saints head coach Dennis Allen and Mickey Loomis signed quarterback Andy Dalton knowing he can make big-time plays when his name is called. The quarterback understands his role is seeing things that Jameis Winston can’t and being that second pair of eyes and ears.

“Anyway that I can help him out and make him play at the highest level that’s what I’m here to do and support him along the way,” said New Orleans Saints quarterback Andy Dalton.

“He’s definitely used me as a resource and it’s been great for me coming here. Having that from the day I got here, it’s just a watch the way he works the way how important it is to him. To see how he is around the guys in the huddle just his expectations for himself is exactly what you want and what you want to see, so it’s just been fun to sit back and watch the way he does things in the way he works,” said Dalton.

“Do your homework. Because Jameis is one of the hardest working people I know, said New Orleans Saints wide receiver, Marquez Callaway.

“He expects the same out of all of us whether we just ran a go ball he expects the same energy same passion that he has and that’s what he brings other than his leadership that’s what he brings energy and passion,” said Callaway.

“Jameis is the guy man. I just evolved as a quarterback in the league I think his confidence in himself his confidence in the system the confidence in his teammates his ability to be a leader in and out of the huddle on and off the field he cares about his teammates he’s smart on the field making the right decisions great arm strength has all the intangibles you look for in a franchise quarterback,” said New Orleans Saints running back Mark Ingram.