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Here’s the schedule for the 6th annual WGNO baseball classic, Thursday February 21st thru Saturday February 23rd.

For tournament updates, follow Ed Daniels on twitter @wgnosports, Karen Loftus @kcloftus, and Robert O’Shields @bobbyO504.

Thursday’s results:

At Chalmette

Chalmette 12, Shaw 8 Final

Ponchatoula 11, Chalmette 1 Final

At Mike Miley Stadium

Rummel 10, Westminster Christian 0  Final/5 innings

At MLB New Orleans Youth Academy

Jesuit  10, Franklinton 2  Final

Brother Martin 8, Ruston  3 Final


At Chalmette

4:30 pm Westminster Christian vs Ruston

7:00 pm Ruston vs Chalmette

At Mike Miley Stadium

4:30 pm Ponchatoula vs Shaw

7:00 pm St Paul’s vs Franklinton

At MLB New Orleans Youth Academy

At 4:30 pm Jesuit vs Fontainebleau

7:00 pm Brother Martin vs Fontainebleau


At Chalmette

9:00 am Shaw vs Ruston

11:30 am Chalmette vs Fontainebleau

2:00 pm Shaw vs Fontainebleau

At Mike Miley Stadium

9:00 am Jesuit vs Westminster Christian

11:30 am Westminster Christian vs St Paul’s

2:00 pm St Paul’s vs Jesuit

at MLB New Orleans Youth Academy

9:00 am Franklinton vs Rummel

11:30 am Brother Martin vs Franklinton

2:00 pm Rummel vs Ponchatoula

4:30 pm Brother Martin vs Ponchatoula


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