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LAPLACE, La. (WGNO) – Frank Monica is in his 45th year of coaching and 19th as the head coach at St. Charles Catholic in LaPlace

He has only one speed, but last week, he knew something was wrong.

On Tuesday after practice, he says he went straight the emergency room at a local hospital.

“They saw a blockage in the main artery. They put 2 stints in there, it is called the widow maker and doctor Bourgeois did the procedure and was extremely efficient,” Frank Monica told WGNO. “Now I am ready to roll again .”

Monica was back on home Friday but before he got back, he was visited by some of his players, who took out their own needle.

“The seniors came to visit me and said, ‘Coach, we had the best practice since you weren’t there’,” Monica said.

Monica has been told by his doctor to take it easy. Fat chance of that.