LSU Adjusts Tiger Stadium COVID-19 Policies, Alcohol Sales Permitted

BATON ROUGE – Following a review of Tiger Stadium COVID-19 policies and procedures as well as data gathered from fans after the first home game of the 2020 football season, LSU Athletics officials today announced adjustments to game day policies and procedures, including alcohol sales in Tiger Stadium, as well as important safety reminders for LSU fans.

“We closely monitored all aspects of game day with the new protocols in place knowing there would be areas for improvement,” said Senior Associate Athletic Director Robert Munson. “Among numerous tweaks and adjustments, observations and data gathered from fans highlighted five primary areas for modifications to our procedures and some areas of emphasis for fans.”

New Alcohol Policies for Tiger Stadium

COVID-19 Policy and Protocol Changes for Game Three:

LSU will not require a medical wellness check in order to reduce lines and wait times at gate entry points. While no longer required for entry, LSU Athletics officials encourage fans to conduct a self-assessment before heading to the game to check for COVID-19 symptoms.

LSU will open all concession stands in the south lower section of Tiger Stadium in order to reduce lines and wait times. LSU Athletics officials remind fans wanting to avoid long lines they should check the LSU Mobile Sports app for locations or follow signs in Tiger Stadium to new concession stand locations on the west, north and east sides of the stadium perimeter. While some stands experienced long wait times, nearby stands remained without any lines throughout the game and at halftime.

LSU Athletics said fans arrived for game one with masks covering the nose and mouth and wore those masks in corridors, concessions and restroom lines. However, a large percentage of fans removed their masks while in their seats in Tiger Stadium. LSU Athletics is reminding fans to wear their masks while in their seats.

Open seating areas of Tiger Stadium are designed to provide appropriate physical distancing for LSU fans. LSU Athletics officials are asking fans to please remain in their ticketed seats for the safety of all fans in Tiger Stadium. LSU will increase monitoring of seat locations for game three.

Fans in general seating can enter through any gate, regardless of what is identified on tickets. The north perimeter of Tiger Stadium will open 3 hours prior to kickoff and fans can navigate to any seat in Tiger Stadium from there once all stadium gates are open 2 hours prior to kickoff.  Walkways exist on both the east and west sides of the new expansion to navigate to the other sections of the stadium. 

{Courtesy: Press Release from LSU Athletics}