Main Squeeze Juice Company partners with Team Gleason during ALS Awareness Month

Former Saints teammates Thomas Morstead and Marques Colston are part of the ownership group of Main Squeeze Juice Company, who helped wrap up ALS Awarness month by partnering with Saints legend, Steve Gleason.

Main Squeeze Juice Company Stores across Louisiana and parts of Houston donated ten percent of total store revenue from May 30th-31st to the Gleason Foundation.

Thomas Morstead said, “Steve is so inspiring. For me personally it’s one of those things where you kind of look back and wonder, would I have handled things the way Steve has through this difficult journey. I think for most people the answer is probably no. I think he’s inspired millions and millions of people, he’s a dear friend and I’d do anything for him.”

Morstead says leading a healthy lifestyle is essential as an NFL athlete, but has always been passionate about educating others on nutrition.

Morstead said, “It’s been nice to be able to bring an option to New Orleans. Hopefully we will continue to spread healthy options for people interested in bettering their health and living healthier lifestyles.”

To hear more from the Saints punter, click on the video above.