Snacks you should AND shouldn’t share with your dog this Super Bowl Sunday

Photo by Christopher Furlong/ Getty Images

According to CanineJournal.com, the leading resource for dogs, while Super Bowl foods are delicious for humans, some snacks can be harmful to pups who partake in the watching parties.

That’s why Canine Journal has put together these tips to avoid having sick dogs on Sunday.

Pups Should Keep Their Paws Off:

If you just can’t resist the urge to share, party platters offer many safe options. Vegetables are low in calories and packed with vitamins too. Just be sure to break up carrots, cucumbers, celery, broccoli and snap peas into small pieces so your dog can better chew and swallow them.

Lean, nitrate-free meats with the skin and fat removed can be another tasty and protein-filled treat for your dog.