WATCH: FNF Scholar-Athlete: E.D. White’s Riley Albert

THIBODAUX, La. (WGNO) — E.D. White senior offensive lineman Riley Albert holds a 4.34 GPA and scored a 30 on the ACT.

Riley is a leader on the Cardinal’s offensive line and a leader in the classroom.

His grades reflect just that.

“High school is huge for me but college is also a huge step, next in my future. I’m just trying to get ready for that and prepare for that and establish a good foundation for my future,” says Riley Albert.

Riley plans to enter the engineering field, a field head coach Kyle Lasseigne knows he will succeed in.

“I was teaching Physics and had Riley in honors physics class and Riley most of the time was bored because he knew everything that was being taught. He’s just a really really bright kid with a bright future and he just happens to be a really good football player as well,” says E.D. White head coach Kyle Lasseigne.

Outside of football, Riley is the Vice President of 4H. He’s also a member of the Student Council and the National Honor Society.

ED White’s Riley Albert, this week’s Friday Night Football Scholar-Athlete presented by your Southern Quality Ford Dealers.