NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — Law enforcement agencies around the Greater New Orleans area are joining a national effort to make buckling up behind the wheel an automatic habit for citizens.
This will be practiced through the national enforcement effort “Click It or Ticket.”
“It’s not just a safe thing to do — it’s the law. During the Click It or Ticket campaign, we’ll be working with our fellow law enforcement officers across local and state lines to ensure the message gets out to drivers and passengers,” said New Orleans Police Department Superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick.
Law enforcement agencies in Jefferson, Orleans and St. Bernard parishes have teamed up with the United States Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to promote safety on Louisiana roads and highways.
“Buckling up is the simplest thing you can do to limit injury or save your life during a crash. We see the results of not wearing a seat belt all the time. We see the loss of life. So often, it could have been prevented,” said Kirkpatrick.
NHTSA officials report that in 2023, national seatbelt use was 91.9% but say that the numbers can be better if the remaining 8.1% follow suit.
“Too many people are needlessly killed or injured each year in traffic accidents,” said St. Bernard Parish Sheriff James Pohlmann.
One focus of the effort will be nighttime enforcement as the number of unrestrained fatalities is reportedly higher at night, according to NHTSA officials.
They add that the number also differs between genders. In 2021, the number of males killed in unrestrained crashes was 54%, and women made up 42%.
According to Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office deputies, in 2022, 11,302 unrestrained passenger vehicle occupants were killed in crashes, and among them were young adults ages 18 to 34.
Agencies will participate in the efforts from Monday, May 20 to Sunday, June 2.
“If you know a friend or a family member who does not buckle up when they drive, please ask them to consider changing their habits. Help us spread this lifesaving message before one more friend or family member is killed as a result of this senseless inaction,” said Kirkpatrick.
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