Guilty verdict reached in first Human Trafficking case ever tried in Lee County, AL

LEE COUNTY, Ala. (WRBL) — Tuesday, a Lee County jury found Brian Askew guilty of First Degree Human Trafficking in the first case of its kind to be tried in Lee County. 

Evidence presented at trial showed for several days, Askew caused a 13-year-old girl to be repeatedly raped and sodomized by multiple men in Auburn, Alabama. 

“Very few Human Trafficking cases make it to trial because the victims are scared, can’t be located, or they’re just too ashamed to talk about what happened to them while they were trafficked. Human Trafficking is a real and present problem in Lee County, and there is more work to be done.  However, today, we are thankful that the victim has a fresh start, and we pray for her continued healing,” said District Attorney Pro-Tem Jessica Ventiere 

Askew’s sentencing is scheduled for July 2021.  Askew has four prior felony convictions and is facing a sentence of Life to Life Without the Possibility of Parole.  

Five other individuals have been charged as co-defendants in this case.  Their cases are set on future trial dates.