Here are the 4 Republicans who voted to condemn Trump’s racist tweets

While Tuesday's vote largely fell along party lines -- 235 Democrats voted "Yea" and 187 Republicans voted "Nay" -- four Republicans and one independent voted in favor of the resolution.

Tuesday’s vote on the House Democratic effort to condemn President Donald Trump’s use of racist language ended up falling along party lines, with 240 Democrats in favor and 187 Republicans opposed.

In the immediate aftermath of Trump’s Sunday tirade — he told Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Illhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley to “go back” to their home countries — several Republicans mildly criticized Trump. But ultimately, with strong encouragement from Trump himself and Republican leadership, the party largely moved to oppose Tuesday’s resolution.

Four Republicans, however, refused to join their colleagues and decided to condemn their party’s President, calling Trump’s racist attacks unacceptable.

Here’s a look at the four members who crossed party lines Tuesday and why they took their stand.

Rep. Will Hurd (TX-23)

In an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Monday, Hurd, the sole black Republican House member, deemed Trump’s tweets “racist.”

“I think those tweets are racist, and xenophobic,” Hurd said. “They’re also inaccurate. The four women he’s referring to are actually citizens of the United States. Three of the four were born here. It’s also behavior that’s unbecoming of the leader of the free world.”

“He should be talking about things that unite, not divide us,” he added.

Rep. Susan Brooks (IN-05)

Brooks, who is retiring from Congress at the end of her term, tweeted Tuesday she voted to condemn Trump’s “racially offensive remarks” because they “do not reflect American values.” Brooks added that she remains “disappointed that the Democrats refuse to hold their own members accountable for their targeted, anti-Semitic and hateful speech.”

“We must remember our words matter and carry great weight,” she said. “Our words and the ways in which we deliver them have a lasting impact on those who hear them.”

Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01)

Speaking with a Pennsylvania talk radio station ahead of Tuesday’s vote, Fitzpatrick said he took issue with Trump’s tone.

“I agree with a lot of what the President does from a policy standpoint, from tax reform, immigration, when it comes to border security,” he said. “What I disagree with the President on is his tone. I am a Ronald Reagan Republican and that’s the area I grew up in.”

As of May, Fitzpatrick had voted with Trump less than 70% of the time.

Rep. Fred Upton (MI-06)

Upton outlined his support for Tuesday’s resolution in a series of tweets Tuesday, stating his vote was a message “targeted at the specific words that frankly are not acceptable from a leader in any work place large or small.”

“If we’re going to bring civility back to the center of our politics, we must speak out against inflammatory rhetoric from anyone in any party anytime it happens. America embraces diversity, and that must continue,” he said.

House Republicans who voted against Tuesday’s resolution