How to best keep your pets safe during Thanksgiving

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CLEVELAND (WJW) — With assurances from top doctors that vaccinated families can safely gather this Thanksgiving, people also need to consider the safety of their pets during this time of year.

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) recently released a list of things owners need to be aware of when hosting holiday gatherings at their homes.

Many traditional Thanksgiving foods are not healthy and/or even downright dangerous to pets, with many pets sickened every year. AVMA says to refrain from feeding pets fatty items like turkey, which can lead to pancreatitis, and also foods with grapes, onions, yeast dough, artificially sweetened desserts and chocolate. Owners are reminded to keep garbage cans hidden from pets and keep pet-tempting decorations and plants out of reach.

Instead owners are asked to offer treats specifically designed for their pets during the holiday season.

If your pet is exhibiting signs of poisoning, such as vomiting or diarrhea, call your veterinarian or the SPCA Poison Control Hotline at 888-426-4435 for help.

Pets can also get agitated when large groups of people enter their home. It’s all about knowing your animal(s). Feel free to keep them away from guests if that is best and also make your guests (who may have allergies) aware there are pets in the home.

Those traveling with pets, or leaving them behind, also need to consult their veterinarian before making large trips, the AVMA recommends. A health certificate is needed for pets going across state lines and international borders.

Find out more about pet safety here.