Investigation underway after hundreds of packages found ‘thrown off ravine’

BLOUNT COUNTY, Ala. (WIAT) — The Blount County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a situation involving hundreds of missing packages from FedEx.

According to BCSO, deputies located “300-400 boxes of assorted sizes” that appear to have “been thrown off a ravine.”

At 5 p.m., FedEx officials sent another vehicle to collect the assorted packages from the scene. They were unable to get all of the packages Wednesday night and will send another truck Thursday to finish. FedEx will scan the packages to see where they came from and where they are supposed to go.

FedEx released a statement to CBS 42:

The security of our customers’ shipments is a top priority and we are committed to treating our customers’ packages with the utmost care. We are taking steps to recover and transport the affected packages as quickly as possible. In addition to cooperating with law enforcement, we are conducting a review of this situation and will take the appropriate action. Customers with questions about their shipments can track their packages by visiting http://fedex.com.

Federal Express

Sheriff Mark Moon said that a deputy will be guarding the packages all night.