Kellyanne Conway uses flash cards to explain Russia controversy

WASHINGTON — Kellyanne Conway used flash cards Wednesday night to explain how the White House views recent scrutiny about the controversy over President Donald Trump’s associates’ potential ties to Russia during the campaign.

“I just want to review in case you run out of time,” the White House counsel told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “This is how I see it so far. This is to help all the people at home.”

“What’s the conclusion? Collusion? No. We don’t have that yet. I see illusion and delusion,” she said, holding two pieces of paper with those words scrawled across them.

Conway was speaking in the wake of Donald Trump Jr.’s bombshell admission that he set up a meeting last year with a woman he believed was a Russian government lawyer offering Kremlin dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. has denied doing anything improper, with his lawyer saying it was “much ado about nothing.”

“So just so we’re clear, everyone: four words. Conclusion, collusion: no. Illusion, delusion: yes,” she said. “I thought we’d have some fun with words.”

She continued, “Sesame’s Grover ‘word of the day,’ perhaps, Sean, because you’re absolutely right: to date, they basically set out this Venus flytrap and thought, ‘One day, we’ll catch something eight months later.'”
