Nudists upset carrier won’t deliver their mail in their Central Florida community

**Embargo: Fort Myers, Fla.** People living in a Florida nudist community say they're tired of not getting their mail from the postal service.

HUDSON, Fla. — People living in a Florida nudist community say they’re tired of not getting their mail from the postal service.

The nudists at the Eden RV Resort in Hudson say one carrier refuses to deliver mail inside of their community because it makes her uncomfortable.

Residents are outraged and are concerned they’re missing important pieces of mail.

“There’s a postal creed and it doesn’t say anything about them not coming to nudist resorts. I pay for a service, I expect that service,” resident Leonard Rusin said.

They say this has been going on for months and have even reached out to the carrier’s supervisor.

The post office says that carrier is doing nothing wrong and is entitled to her right not to deliver mail if she’s uncomfortable.

