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NASHVILLE, TN — Investigators arrested a woman who reportedly punched and threatened her boyfriend over a song he was singing.

According to arrest records, officers were dispatched to a home on the 1400 block of Lischey Avenue for a domestic disturbance between a couple. When they arrived, officers separated Cortney R. King and the victim. The victim told police that he was sitting in his bedroom listening to music and singing and that King did not like the lyrics of the song he was singing. The victim said King punched him in the face and pulled out a box cutter on him. He said he felt his life was in danger when King grabbed the box cutter, but she did not approach him with it.

The victim sustained injuries to the upper part of his face. The victim declined to press charges, but officers had probable cause to press charges on his behalf.

King was taken into custody and charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and for forfeiture. She was booked into jail on $11,000 bond.