FRANKLIN COUNTY, N.C. — In a 911 call, 18-year-old Oliver Mauricio Funez Machado speaks in a flat monotone as he tells an operator that he killed his mother “because I felt like it,” reported WTVD.
“What was she doing? Did she make you mad? Or what happened?” the dispatcher asks.
“Yes, she made me mad,” Machado responds.

The unemotional quality of Machado’s tone is striking as the clearly horrified 911 operator continues to question him about the brutal killing.
The dispatcher constantly checks on the two children, ages 2 and 4, in the home at the time of the murder, but Machado says he isn’t going to hurt them.
He told the operator he stabbed 35-year-old Yesenia Funez Beatriz Machado “like 8 times.”
Deputies arriving at the home found she had been decapitated and her body mutilated.