TVA asks customers to reduce power usage due to high temperatures

TENNESSEE VALLEY (WHNT) – As a heat wave grips the Tennessee Valley, the Tennesee Valley Authority is asking customers across the agency’s seven-state region to voluntarily reduce their power usage at certain times of the day.

Huntsville Utilities, which provides TVA-supplied power to customers across Madison County, said the policy will be in effect from 2-5 p.m. Monday. In voluntary curtailment, customers are asked to reduce electric consumption by turning off lights and not using major appliances during the hottest part of the day, such as ovens, dishwashers, washers and dryers, etc.)

Predicted temperatures are expected to be 95+ degrees across the Valley through Friday, and TVA is expecting voluntary curtailment to remain in effect daily until then. TVA spokesman Scott Fielder told News 19 that voluntary curtailment is standard policy during heat and cold waves and the regional power grid is stable; there is no immediate threat of blackouts or brownouts across the region. The curtailment is simply TVA and local power companies reducing power usage internally and an opportunity for customers to do their part and possibly save some money.

Summer energy use is typically the highest between 2-8 p.m., according to TVA. This is typically the warmest part of the day and when people arrive home from work or school; as a result, energy rates are typically at their highest during that point. The agency has several tips to reduce energy usage:

Fielder added that these tips are useful any time during the year to keep customers’ wallets from getting scorched, too. In addition, TVA offers works with local power companies to offer energy audits at homes and businesses across the region, through its EnergyRight program. For those who may have trouble paying their bill during the heat wave, LIHEAP is a federally funded program that may be able to help. Information on local agencies can be found on TVA’s website.