Video: Eglin AFB tests new weapon to sink ships in the Gulf of Mexico

DESTIN, Fla. (WRKG) — Eglin Air Force Base and the Air Force Research Laboratory worked together to fire and test missiles to quickly defeat marine threats.

The Integrated Test Team demonstrated a new low-cost, air-delivered weapon on April 28, 2022. The team said the test successfully destroyed a full-scale surface vessel in the Gulf of Mexico.

The AFRL said the modified GBU-31 Joint Direct Attack Munition or JDAM was made for the QUICKSINK operation.

“QUICKSINK is an answer to an urgent need to neutralize maritime threats to freedom around the world,” said Col. Tony Meeks, director of AFRL’s Munitions Directorate. “The men and women of this directorate consistently find ways to solve our nation’s greatest challenges.”

The QUICKSINK program, a partnership with the U.S. Navy, aims to provide options to neutralize surface maritime threats while demonstrating the inherent flexibility of the joint force. This JCTD uses a JDAM to rapidly deliver an immediate effect on stationary or moving maritime targets at minimal costs.


“QUICKSINK is unique in that it can provide new capabilities to existing and future DOD weapons systems, giving combatant commanders and our national leaders new ways to defend against maritime threats,” said Kirk Herzog, AFRL program manager.

The QUICKSINK initiative is an alternative to the traditional torpedo striking method for marine threats.

“Heavy-weight torpedoes are effective [at sinking large ships] but are expensive and employed by a small portion of naval assets,” said Maj. Andrew Swanson, 85th TES division chief of Advanced Programs. “With QUICKSINK, we have demonstrated a low-cost and more agile solution that has the potential to be employed by the majority of Air Force combat aircraft, providing combatant commanders and warfighters with more options.”

Watch the full sinking in the video above. To learn more about the QUICKSINK program and the JDSM weapon, click here.