Worried the solar eclipse is a sign of the apocalypse? One sheriff’s got some tips

On August 21, 2017 the sun will disappear for a short time. For a swath of the country from Portland, Oregon, to Charleston, South Carolina, it will feel like someone just turned off the sun in the middle of the day.

The solar eclipse later this month won’t be the apocalypse-scenario you’re used to seeing in the movies. But one sheriff has some tips in case you’re worried.

Sheriff Scott Berry from Oconee County, Georgia, in a Facebook post parodied the common Hollywood depiction to give his residents some useful information about watching the eclipse.

Useful tip 1: “Don’t look at the eclipse, unless of course you live in the backwoods of Tennessee. In that case no one will hear you scream as you stumble blindly into a moonshine still or a bear trap.”

Useful tip 2: “Your sunglasses will not protect you from certain death if you look at the sun. However, for a mere $29.99 (plus $9.00 shipping and handling) you can order “stare directly at the sun wearing these” glasses from NASA and the Home Shopping Network.”

And on and on.

Berry said he tries to use humor when addressing issues because people tend to pay better attention.

“We want everyone to know the eclipse is coming and we want people to know not to look directly at the sun,” Berry told CNN. “There’s always that guy.”