Air conditioning specialists busy with service calls amid extreme heat in Metairie

METAIRIE La. (WGNO) — In this extreme heat, calls for service to air conditioning repair companies are increasing.

As the temperatures get higher, so does the number of service calls for air conditioning repair people. These specialists say some of these calls can be prevented if your A/C units are maintained and kept clean.

This extreme heat is keeping Kevin Nash and his specialists at Nash Heating & Air Conditioning super busy with fixing air conditioning units.

“Most of these units are designed to do a 20-degree difference between inside and outside. We get these 100-degree days and trying to keep them to 70 degrees it just won’t do it. Just can’t keep them up,” Nash said.

Nash said they’ve seen an uptick in service calls from not only new customers but also their loyal customers that are part of their “Nash Flash” program because of this heat.

Nash said most of the calls are because the A/C units go out because of drainage or switch problems or because they are just plain dirty.

He said homeowners shouldn’t wait until their A/C units break down because of the heat.

“It is important to have it serviced just like you’d have your car serviced,” he said.

As for the high demand for A/C specialists right now, they are asking residents to understand their workflow.

“It just stacks up, and our guys can only do so much in a day,” Nash said.

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