Flood safety information for Severe Weather Awareness Week

Flooding is something we deal with a lot in Louisiana and Mississippi. Today’s topic will help you prepare a little for flooding issues.

First of all we deal with two types of flooding generally (outside of storm surge with a hurricane). You have flash-flooding, which results from very heavy rain over a short amount of time leading to large amounts of standing water in area roads.

We also get river flooding. This occurs from very heavy rain over a period of time that causes rivers to rise out of their banks and flood the surrounding areas.

It’s important to remember that only a little water can move your car off the road. Just 12 inches of fast moving water will do it. Typically that’s more of an issue on the north shore.

South shore flooding the water tends to just sit in one place. Always avoid standing water because it’s tough to tell how deep it is.

The most important thing for your property is to have flood insurance! Less than half the homes in high risk areas in Louisiana have flood insurance. And less than 15% have it in low to moderate risk areas.