Hurricane Preparedness Week: Get an Insurance Check Up

This week we observe Hurricane Preparedness topics to adequatley get ready for June 1 through November 30th after a record-setting 2020 season.

Early last year, NOAA’s forecast for August-November being “extremely active” months came to fruition, given every name on the 2020 Atlantic Names List was used before October, causing the Greek alphabet to kick in! The last time that happened was the 2005 hurricane season, which spurred Katrina.

Now, instead of using the greek alphabet when every Atlantic Names List is fully used, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) will, instead, provide a supplemental list of names.

2020’s hurricane season produced thirty tropical depressions, twenty-nine of which became tropical storms. In addition, there were thirteen hurricanes, seven of which became major hurricanes.

Be sure you arrange a plan for evacuating in case yet another Major Hurricane (Category 3+) threatens our Louisiana coastline and WGNO viewing area this year. Gather your supplies early, too, to be better safe than sorry.

Proper insurance in our region is always a must, so make sure you check on each policy in place. Remember, home insurance does not cover flood damage. Flood insurance policies only cost an annual $450-$500 and take thirty days to go into effect. Today, we are just nineteen days away from hurricane season’s official start, so it is very important to purchase flood insurance as soon as possible.